Kendall was talking to the boys one day and had a very interesting conversation about age. It went a little something like this: Kendall was telling the boys that his parents bought their first camera on his first birthday so they could take his picture. Cameron responded with: "oh, they didn't have one before then because they weren't invented right." Then Jacob was talking about how in the 90's the Indians were fighting with the Americans. Pretty funny stuff.
It reminded me of a story my sister in law told me about her son, Britton who is Jacob's age. He said, Mom let's play a guessing game about animals. She said okay. She said, I am thinking of an animal that is furry and soft and likes to be pet. He said, A cat!. Yes, she said. He says, I am thinking of an animal that is green, and big, and lived in the 1980's or 90's, I think. She said, I have no idea. "A dinosaur Mom, geez!" I wonder if he thinks I am a dinosaur since I graduated from high school in '96? Or what would he think if he knew I was born in the 70's???
I read an article about what this generation will never know about. It gave examples of things like; VHS tapes, rotary phones, and pay phones. It is crazy to think that I am the mother of these kids who now make me feel ancient since I actually have seen a VHS movie!!!
For Christmas, some of Kendall's family came to visit for a few days. We were able to finally meet Liza who was 18 months old. The kids all got along, which was great. Whenever possible, Jenna pulled the teenager card and chose to stay at home by herself because as we all know "family sucks".
Jenna was in her 2nd horse show in December and placed in 3 out of 4 events. She was AMAZING. Her horse, Omni, was a bit stubborn in the last event and wouldn't cross a mandatory bridge which caused Jenna to not place. This is by far my favorite picture of her and Omni, Papa Jones says it should be in Cavenders ad.