It reminded me of a story my sister in law told me about her son, Britton who is Jacob's age. He said, Mom let's play a guessing game about animals. She said okay. She said, I am thinking of an animal that is furry and soft and likes to be pet. He said, A cat!. Yes, she said. He says, I am thinking of an animal that is green, and big, and lived in the 1980's or 90's, I think. She said, I have no idea. "A dinosaur Mom, geez!" I wonder if he thinks I am a dinosaur since I graduated from high school in '96? Or what would he think if he knew I was born in the 70's???
I read an article about what this generation will never know about. It gave examples of things like; VHS tapes, rotary phones, and pay phones. It is crazy to think that I am the mother of these kids who now make me feel ancient since I actually have seen a VHS movie!!!